
Thursday, December 11, 2014

She will be serving in the ....?

It's HERE! her mission call arrived and now we are having the grand opening of the white envelope to see where she will be serving for 18 months. We had our said partaaay-- so fun! (not to be confused with a simple party) with so many family and friends there to support her, it was great.

Here she is getting ready. It's so suspenseful!! Do you see the map. When people came in we gave them a dot to put  on the map to guess where they thought she was going to serve. It was loads of fun and we had lots of dots in the US and Europe. Two people actually guessed the area where she will serve.


Here she is trying to read and stay calm. She had her hand over the words so she wouldn't skip and skim read to the important part where it said where she was going.


The look on her face tells you she got to "the part" ... "you will here by serve in the SCOTLAND/IRELAND mission!!"
Her mission will be in Scotland/Ireland and she leaves Dec. 4th I can't believe she is leaving and leaving the country no less... I'm excited for her and she is beyond the moon about it.


There were lots of hugs and talking on the phone to others that couldn't be there like aunts and uncles and cousins.


She has a great amazing group of friends. Lots of them had just left for school or were out of town so about 8 of them are missing in this picture. But they all are so excited for her and one of her friends is already married and ready to have a baby soon and Alyssa will miss it. She is kinda sad about that. So there it is. Man we have a lot to get done in a few months. Wish us luck!

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