
Monday, May 23, 2016

May 23, 2016- "My Testimony" - Well Done Thou Good And Faithful Servant

Dear Friends and Family,

This will be my last e-mail to you all! At least as a missionary. So I wanted to share a few of my thoughts with you.

This was the best choice I ever made! I am so grateful to Heavenly Father for helping me see that I needed to trust Him, that I needed to come on a mission. I am so grateful that he brought me to this point.

When I was young I thought missions were simply something that the prophet had told young men to do and that it would bring them back as men. I thought that it was all about having crazy experiences and funny stories, but I began to realize that the Gospel of Jesus Christ in its fullness is restored, that I could fully partake of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and that people didn't know about it. It never occured to me so deeply that people didn't have the happiness that I had. Then I knew why people really served a mission. It's not about the scenery, the crazy/ funny experiences, although those are a highlight, it's about the Restored Gospel. It's about helping others, forgetting about yourself and putting all your effort into the salvation of another persons soul. And when I say salvation I mean the salvation of now as well as eternity. "Adam feel that men might be; and men are that they might have joy" (2 Nephi 2:25) We are meant to be happy in this life! That doesn't mean all of our trials and difficulties go away, it means that we rely on the Atonement of Christ. We have faith that he can help us through our trials, that he has felt every little bit that we have felt and that He will help us. I haven't always made the best choices and I have definitely messed up, but I can change that, I don't have to feel the pain of that because of Jesus Christ. He lives. He suffered for us but more importantly, He lived for us. We will one day, in the flesh, meet our God and through Christ we can enter into His presence and live in Happiness for eternity.

The Spirit of God is a testifier. He has testified these things to me and I know them to be true. I know God loves us and wants to help us. But we have to choose to have Him in our lives.

All my days these past 18 months I have spent inviting. Inviting others to come unto Christ and I invite anyone who is struggling, or anyone who wants to know if God is really there; to ask. Pray in faith that you will receive and answer and be willing to act on it. Know that if you truly want to know if God loves you, you have to be willing to do all you can to come closer to Him. And I know that when you do this, your life will change for the better. 

This Gospel has changed my life. This mission in the lands of Scotland and Ireland have changed my life not because of where I am but because of what I am sharing. CHrist is the head of this church and there is truly a prophet and apostles on the earth today. The Book of Mormon is the word of God and I add my witness to those of the ancient prophets:

"My God hath been my support; he hath lead me through mine afflictions in the wilderness; and he hath preserved me upon the waters of the great deep.

He hath filled me with his love..." (2 Nephi 4:20-21)

"Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God;

For, behold, the Lord your Redeemer suffered death in the flesh; wherefore he suffered the pain of all men, that all men might repent and come unto him.

And he that risen again from the dead, that he might bring all men onto him, on conditions of repentance.

And how great is His joy in the soul that repenteth!" 
(Doctrine and Covenants 18:10-13)

I know that we don't have to be perfect in this life, we just have to keep trying.

In His name, Jesus Christ, Amen.

-Sister McBride

Monday, May 16, 2016

May 16: "This week, dispite the sun wasn't the best...."

First of on Tuesday we made some pretty lofty district goals. as in 6 for baptism... welp they are all not happening now. Because our family with the 3kids who want to be baptized didn't come to church yesterday which means they wont make their date. We haven't seen one of out investigators for 2 weeks and our other investigator has a job working Sundays. So, 1 in one week we went from 6 to 0... we weren't very happy about it so unless we find someone totally golden like... today that keeps all of the commandments already we will definitely not make our goal. It's just been sp frustrating because the kids are totally willing and happy to come to church. The oldest has stopped drinking tea of her own choice and tears up whenever we mention eternal families. Even her partner Jamie has felt the Spirit so strong he has teared up! The only person who is not working with us is the mom.... She just doesn't ever come to church and we don't know why. She won't open up to us... So anyway its been a pretty down week other then the fact that I loved getting a tan with all the sun! And seeing a castle on Monday it wasn't so good. I just feel like we are leaving this area to die. We came into a dead area and I don't wan to leave one! I don't want the area to die with me! haha but seriously. We also found out that they are putting in Elders in the middle of the transfers. They had this thing called the SIM squad which was a group of Elders that went to a different area/Zone each week and basically just did finding all day and got investigators for the missionaries to teach and then left the next week to another area. I guess they're being disband already and 2 of them are coming here. One of them I served with in Kirkcaldy when I was being trained. His name is Elder Gates so it will be weird serving around him again. haha. I hope all goes well. We really just want to keep the work going but it's so hard! Not only are we a bit trunky but we now have to make sure everything is all good with our flat because they aren't putting in Sisters after us. So it's a bit stressful and one of our recent converts is just off the radar and we have no idea what to do with him! 

So all in all it's been a strangely long stressful week full of fallen through appointments and people not holding their commitments. I just don't know what else to tell you about this week. I mean it had ti's good bits as well. I will get my package today I think! The ZL's in clonsilla managed to pick it up at the post office in Blanchardstown! Yay! so the disbanding SIM squad will be bringing to me. C:  hopefully... you know how Elders be sometimes... haha. I'm sorry that your packaging didn't work out Mom... But here is a cute picture to make up for it! I meant to send this to you, you know when it was mothers Day... this is the shopping centre in Blanchardstown and they did a display for mothers day back in march and I waited to excitedly to send it to you on the Monday of I even kept it off one drive for a surprise! And then I didn't find them.... Awkward! But here they are, they don't mean as much not that it's so late but I hope you like it anyway haha. The Display is made all out of balloons! 

On Saturday a recently baptised memeber named Louise came down to Ayr. She is originally from Northern Ireland and lived here for a good long while. Sister King taught her and was here when she was baptized so they were really excited to see each other. She has a fiancee as well!  Alex is super nice! He drove her all the way down from Aberdeenshire (it's like a 4hour drive) and then drove us around with her all morning to visit people. He is uper nice and is a farmer! So it was a relief for Sister King and I to meet him and to know that he is a good person. :) We have been visiting a member with a new born baby. The Lee's they are like the cutest couple ever! they are both about late 20's or 30 and then met on an online dating site. His grandparents are from Scotland but he lived in Canada. She's Scottish/Thai so they are cute and a super nerdy couple that are just over the moon with their daughter Mariam. It just makes me baby trunky and I want to hold her so bad but I cant! She's 7lbs so she is wee haha. :)

Anyway I think thats about it! We have to go meet the incoming Elders at their flat to give them the key so I'm off! Hopefully it gets a bit warmer this week as it has been cold the past few days.

This week was hard but don't worry I have high hopes for this one!

All my love,
Sister McBride 

Some fun pictures from her Pday at a Castle

Monday, May 9, 2016

May 9, 2016 "Mother's Day Call"

This week was great we had an amazing lesson with our investigator Carol and her partner, Graham, who is less active. We invited her for baptism and she just started to cry. They have both been through hard times in their lives and Carol especially loves the Book of Mormon. She always talks about the warm feeling she gets when she reads it. When we asked her for May 28th she was so excited. It is wonderful to see someone so excited about the gospel.

We also saw the Mackies and found out that they had been in a minor car accident! It was only the mom and her partner, but she has bad knees and her foot got wedge under the seat in front of her and with her momentum going forward her knee started to bend, (which I guess it cannie do anymore) and it was really painful. They are doing ok but it's difficult to get the mom going and on board. But we will get there with her!

We walked around with our shirts and skirts with no tights all evening! we walked through this wonderful park by a University I didn't know was here. It was absolutely gorgeous! I put pics on onedrive!  :)  Today we are going to go see a Castle called Culzean (cull-ain) Caslte! It's one of our last p-days! crazy!
Sister McBride
Here are some pictures she sent. These are from her P-day visiting famous Robert Burns area and some pictures of the countryside on a walk. 

Pictures from her last Scotland Ireland Mission Conference May 2016


Monday, May 2, 2016

May 2, 2016 - "A Week of Fun Service and Miracles"

Dear Friends,

So last Monday we went to a place called Alloway which is where the famous Poet Robert Burns was born. They had a lot of things to go see and we were running around trying to get to all the places to fit it in haha. They had the original cottage where he was born and then they had a whole museum for him and then there was the Birg O' Doon. Which is basically a super old bridge. There is a legend that a man, Tam O'Shanter, on his way home from drinking ran into some witches having some witch party and when they saw him they chased after him. They tried to cut him off at the brig O' doon but just as it started to collapse he and his horse leapt across to the other side in safety. So that's where we were. It was flippin cold and raining though! haha but it was super fun. I like P-day with Sister King because we generally like to do the same things and she likes to enjoy museums and look at everything like I do. C: 

Wednesday was full of service! There is a nice older lady named Sister Newal and she just got a hip replacement! She is one tough cookie from on of the roughest parts of Glasgow! (it's not as rough any more but it definitely was then!) She carried around a machete and everything! So she was telling us all the stories about how she defended herself and beat people up. You would never expect! she is a wee lady but boy is she tough! We did her ironing as she cant stand for very long. Her and her husband fed us some sandwiches and soda C: Then we went by Sister Shepard who also cant walk well so we walked her dogs for her. She has a very excitable Boarder collie named Abby and a wee dachshund named Misty. Two very opposite dogs. They're always a joy to walk Then! we met with the wonderful family, the Menzies!! Ah I love them so much! They are truly progressing in the Gospel as is there mother who has been less active for a number of years but truly desires to come back. They are just wonderful that's all I can say C: They at first didn't want to force religion upon their children so they were always shooing them out of the lessons but  this week we talked to them about allowing them the choice and inviting them to come in a listen. The oldest boy of about 10? Brought in his 2 pillows set them on the floor, got all comfy and listened the whole time. He is a sweet boy and I am so excited to see carol progress towards baptism. there are obstacles like attending church due to work and little things like that but we are working hard to get past those. they are so ready!!

Friday we went by a family called the Ropers. They've been living on one of the islands of Scotland called Benbechula (something to that effect). Island life is very different! you had to go to the main land to buy anything in bulk and to get other necessary items. She was telling us all about it. 

Saturday we went by A member named Connie who just had a cute little baby girl named Marriom! (spelling ?) So we did her ironing and dish washing. I just want to say thanks Mom and Dad for teaching me how to iron! I never knew I had such skills as an ironer. haha anyway, then we saw an amazing lady who is a gypsy! only she has a house, but she still travels. She has a severely disabled daughter named Vicky who can walk around the house but still needs a wheel chair to get around. Last week when we were there she told us that Vicky was adopted. This week we asked how. She said that 29 years ago her neighbors had Vicky and one night they asked her to babysit. Well I guess they were all drug addicts. She didn't know Vicky was disabled until she got there. They were feeding her mixing chocolate instead of milk and this woman Kate reported it. Vicky went into Foster care but her parents kept coming back and taking her (even though they weren't fit to and didn't treat her well) So she and her husband decided that they would just adopt Vicky instead. So she is an amazing woman and she really loves the church even though she has never been and has hardly read the Book of Mormon! haha she is very in tune to the Spirit. We are excited to teach her.

And then there is Sunday where I found out that one of our deaf investigators, Andrew (who was baptized shortly after I left) is headed to the temple this month!! :D President Dewey of the Paisley stake is in our ward and had us over for dinner. He informed me that he is doing well. C: I am so excited for him! It is one of the best things I've heard on the mission!

I know the Lord lives and loves us I know he loves you and I hope you all have a wonderful time with whatever it is you are doing!!

all my love and care,
Sister McBride

a tree where you can write a message to the people you love.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

April 25, 2016 - "Blessed land of Ayr"

 Cheer pal!

As the good ol Scots say. It's good to be back in the land of Scotland! Where kilts are common and the scenery is top notch.

This week was full of interesting surprises. So, we discovered that our district comprises of us and the Elders from a place about an hour away called Stranraer (stren-rawr) just to give you a little gist of how lonely we are lol. So they told us on Monday evening that we would have to get a member to be with us for district meeting!! ugh... we asked like THE only YSA girl and she was pretty chill about it but the she had to go so we left the door open to the door that went outside.... I didn't like that.

 We had some great lessons with a family named the Menzies. Brother Menzie has been less active for a while but the Elders actually chapped into them and they have been making some great steps to coming back. There are a few obstacles in their way, but they will get through. Carol (or future Sister Menzie haha) is really sweet. She isn't a member but she really loves the gospel so far and she is like so prepared it's awesome. They have both took some hard roads in their life but now they are both ready to start taking the better path! Then we met with the Mackies! Who have a very similar story only Sister Amanda Mackie is the member and her partner Jamie is not. They have 4 kids who are just the sweetest craziest things haha we invited them all to baptism (except Jamie cuz we was ill in the other room) but all the kids are so excited the oldest is a girl she is 12 then there are 3 boys who are 10, 9, and 6 (obviously we didn't invite him to be baptized for this May, but he is just as excited about it )

It looks like a great week this week and we are excited!! Seriously I love working with Sister King. She's the best.


Sister McBride

Her flat is only about a 2 minute walk to the ocean. 

 Her and sister King. This is what sister McBride said...

I missed me a good Chippy. :) £4 and a 2 min walk away couldn't be any better!

April 18, 2016 - "Traveling to Ayr"

Sooooo. I have been a bit sick. I think I caught a cold from the Last sisters. They left this transfer as well but they didn't clean at  before they left and they had been ill, so ...

Traveling: Let it be said that I really thought buses were cool (especially the double-decker ones) when I came, but now they have definitely lost their excitement. After you ride one for 2 1/2 hours across Ireland and then 3 hours across Scotland literally through your area of Ayr and up to Glasgow because that's where you have to meet your companion and then travel back an hour on the train, you get a little sick with all the round abouts and twisty roads and they're just not the most comfortable. I still love the Ferry though. That was 3 hours as well but it was all rainy and foggy so there wasn't much of a scenery. Also I took the time to charge my camera battery but forgot that both my SD cards were in my suitcase so.. there are no pictures of the epicly long travel as a SOLO SISTER. Yup that's right just. me. and loads of Elders. I didn't realize it was going to be just me with about 10 Elders until the morning of so I was a bit.... interested in how it would go since I've been so used to having another woman by my side literally 24/7, but it actually turned out OK. I was saved by Elder Stanley. Elder Stanley is from England and has been in the same district as me for the past 6 months! I think I have served around him longer than any other missionary so he was nice and talked to my the whole time. Not as much on the ferry but literally the whole time on both bus rides. He is pretty chill and just a genuine person, so he was easy to talk to. But of course there were those times when he was away chatting with someone else and I just felt totally out of place. Until another nice Elder (also from England and one from Minnesota?) would come and talk to me. We played a card game on the ferry. Kind of like a hit the deck thing. I was really bad at it Lol... they went easy on me... oh my pride.... I think the most awkward was the fact that I was literally squashed next to these 10 young men and then I had to use the toilet on the ferry so...I mean any other circumstance if I wanted to go anywhere I would have to get 2 Elders to come with me because just one would be a date! They new that but it was a bit awk cuz... they weren't coming with me to the toilets! So when I asked if they could move the chair so I could get out I didn't want to announce where I was going so I just got up and I'm pretty sure they all watched and wondered where I was walking to until I turned to the toilets.... ugh... but other then that I was like a family reunion with the cousins, loads of boys and no girls! It really wasn't too bad.

Ayr: Ayr is flippin awesome! So the real reason why I didn't end up going to Limerick is because there was a Sister who is in our group and has been in Ayr for a long while. She was companions with Sister King here about 10weeks ago. I guess she basically refused to stay so they swapped us! Which I am actually happy about. I felt a little unsettled going to Limerick . The only thing that I thought would help was the fact that the Cliffs of Moore (aka the cliffs of Insanity from Princess Bride) were in the area, but when I found that I was moving back to Scotland I was excited and I really didn't know Sister King well. but to describe her, she is just as nerdy as me and she is kind of like Ana from frozen only not as ditzy, well not at all. basically she is just super nice and sweet but really funny as well.  I never served around her, but it has been great so far. She is a super good missionary and we are so alike in a really good way.

I have missed the Scottish accent and the places and scenery! I felt a huge excitement that I haven't felt since the beginning of the mission here in Ayr. I know the new stake Pres, President Dewey from when we were teaching Lily and Mark and Andrew our deaf friends. He was the professional signer who would skype for our lessons and drive 2hours to Kirkcaldy to interpret for the baptisms! He was Bishop Dewey then.

Also our flat is right next to the sea front! It's like a 5min walk and you can see it from our front door. It's a nice wee flat and super cozy. I like it. It's probably my favorite flat from the mission :)

I just feel so at peace and energetic about it. I do feel a little cast into the "forgotten land of Paisley" (seriously every one jokes about how Paisley is the forgotten stake haha)  and I don't understand why they are just going to white wash again after us but I can't deny the spirit that I feel that amazing things are going to happen. I personally feel that it's kind of because there is this 'new way' that President is training his missionaries and we are like one of the last ones who really knew Pres Brown and I feel like they just want to put us together to not affect anyone else with our 'old ways' I know that's probs not it at all.
However we did have miracle. A woman who hasn't been to church in 30 years just showed up on Sunday! The day before we had been finding next the sea front by our flat. We got no return appointments with people only good conversations but turns out one of those people we stopped was her nephew who then went home and said (auntie, I remember you going to them Mormon church and taking me. You were always so happy and I was happy too, why don't you go anymore? So she came! and we are seeing her on Wednesday :) her name is Angela.

Oh Dad I met one of your mission friends he said you were in the same district together! (His name is Elder Keir. Pic below) He knew me as soon as I walked into chruch and said Sister McBride?? the daughter of James McBride who served with me in the London mission?? He says I look like you :) and that you haven't changed a bit! Also I have met a lot of people who Colleen knows so that is cool. I really like Ayr

I have to get going but I love you all and I hope you have a great week!

Sister McBride :)

 Elder Keir was sister McBride's dad's missionary friend they served at the same time.