first of all this key board
is annoying and there is something wrong with the shift button so i hop
you don't mind that i type in all lowercase letters haha. (mom:here I didn't change the capitalization in her letter partly because I didn't have the time. So there it's exactly like I got it)
yes i got the package and sister petch was so thankful she says 'your
family is so nice' your mom is so great' haha. i say yeah i know :) she
really really loved the package. i don't think she has ever gotten one.
(mom here: We as a family and extended family send sister McBride and her companion sister Petch a valentines package showing our love and appreciation for their missionary service. We all wrote encouraging letters to both of them with some fun goodies too. It was nice to hear they enjoyed their package)
we got to meet one of the
seventy this week! elder hallstrom he is super nice and reminds me a lot
of elder holland. i know that my time is short i can't write a lot about it. the lord is directing me. president told me in my
interview with him that he knows i am one of the very few sisters that
he could put me with anyone and we would get along. he knows i work hard
so when he heard that my companion and i we were having problems it did make him
question, but he said that's part of the reason he put me with her. she is an amazing missionary and person but like all of us we all need to work on something. no one's perfect. i know she is here for me to learn from and i'm here for her to learn from.
have been many blessings this week and i love you all. i'm glad to hear
you are all doing well.
been reading in alma 19 about ammon and i just love the faith that king
mosiah had to protect his sons. ammon was saved from being killed by a
lamanite because mosiah prayed for him and he was protected by his
faith. the lord always keeps his promises. i have to go. i love you all!!